So today I installed Ableton 8 and after some oil and frustration I was able to get my midi controller basically set up. I only played around for maybe 30 minutes due to the fact I spent the entire night dedicated to installation and setup. Once I found a little something I liked I wanted  to record but of course there's complications with recording that I'd much rather not go into further detail about. Ableton Live is hard software to just try and pick up and learn, butt fuck it...Here's a ghetto ass recording of the first little jam. Its "live" I suppose, I couldn't figure out half the things in Ableton so I opened up virtual dj for the beat, played the keys through Ableton Live, and recorded it all blasting out of my speakers with the microphone on my laptop in Garageband. The end trails off into some random Dirtyloud song in case you were wondering. Feedback and criticism please me.
This morning I opened my eyes to nothing and from that came this...
another live recording of my second attempt of messing with ableton live. 
"90's MoviesDownload
I suppose I'll also put up two other tracks I fucked up. One is a Underoath 
remix and the other is just funny.
"Under MixDownload
Here's me wishing I knew a drummer...
"Everyone" Download
"Everything" Download
Lastly, two old demos, if you can even call them that...
"Out my Window" Download
"Double Take" Download

I can't stop grinding my teeth
telling myself, "this isn't happening..."
as I'm spitting out my teeth
at all these things I can't stop imagining


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